Friday, July 11, 2008

How does God manage?

I read two articles in the newspaper this morning. And they both made me furious! How does God manage to still love us and have patience with us? I know he's an eternity older than all of us and has experienced infintely more than any of us. But does that give us an excuse to be obnoxiously ridiculous?!?!?

There is a woman on a crusade to have all highway/construction signs changed. She claims that "Men Working" or "Men at Work" are biased. So Atlanta is spending $1000 to change all of their signs to read "Workers." And it will cost an additional $144 per sign in the future. I can't express how much this bothers me. Perhaps I might feel differently if I were a woman.

Since the beginning of mankind, God Himself has used the term "men" to be universal...meaning all of His and women alike. Obviously, I don't know all the reasoning behind it. But perhaps God wanted to use the word men in two senses. One being what I already shared. And the other to remind males that we will be held accountable to a higher law. As Patriarchs, we are responsible for the women and children in our lives. Men are the protectors...the providers. Perhaps God has called men out because we will have to answer to a higher law. And by higher I don't mean more important.

Gender is essential in God's creations. And there are those who are trying to neutralize everyone.

The other article I read noted some guy in Texas who has his "panties in a bunch." He's demanding an apology from a caucasian who used the term black hole. He says phrases like that, as well as angel food cake, devil food cake, black sheep, etc. are all racial slurs and derogatory.

Talk about a nation filled with pride! This is the epitomy of "pride comes before the fall." I think political correctness and pride go hand-in-hand. The more politically correct we become, the more pride increases and vice versa.

Those who are filled with pride say "Men at Work" is biased and "black hole" is a racial slur.

God certainly is an example of patience. These people drive me crazy! I would have destroyed them long ago. That's just one of a million reasons why my spirit is still housed in a mortal body. I have much to learn.


Elaine said...

I heard the same things this morning and couldn't believe what I was hearing. The world is filled with ignorance. People are acting purely out of emotion, selfishness and (dare I say it) stupidy, with no logic in sight. The election will most likely be determined the same way--emotion. It feels SO good for a white person to vote for a black person because that absolutely proves lack of prejudice--no consideration of the fact that both white AND black people could be wanting to destroy the country as we know it or both white AND black people could have values that don't happen to agree with God's rules. Could things be any more mixed up? I'm sure they will be before this earth as we know it will be cleansed and renewed. In the meantime I, like you, have a long way to go before I will be as kind and patience as the Lord is.

Laurel said...

just roll your eyes...don't waste the energy being annoyed by these people. Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if God rolled his eyes at stuff like this too (is that sacreligious to say?)

I love your passion...

Come, Follow Me-Music Study said...

AMEN!!!!! I feel the same way about things like this. But as I was sitting in RS today and thinking about the lesson and the way the world is, I thought about how this is part of the problem with sharing the gospel too! We feel the need to be politically correct in all things and it's not what the Lord asks or expects of us.

Throughout the Bible you read "man" or "men" in everything yet some of the people now a days have actually changed the words in the Holy Bible and come up with new versions that read "men and women" or "man and woman". Why do we not get that men means everyone?

I don't know if I even made sense with what I said but THis whole thing really frustrates me too. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with all of us!

Anonymous said...

Stuff like that drives me crazy too and then my mind starts racing on how can this behavior be remedied and it always comes back (at least in my mind) to education of the people which starts in the home. Good for you for raising a righteous family.

Whacky Wheelers said...

Raising a righteous family is the basis for everything. You can't let what others do affect your behavior, even though you think it is the most stupidest thing in the world.

I was impressed with the lessons that Matthew has learned from David and I, when I hear him explain it to others.

We explained to him the different ratings for movies: G = Good; PG = Pretty Good, but ask Mom or Dad; PG-13 = Ask us when your 13 and we'll let you know; R = wRong.

One of his friends was over and they wanted to watch a movie. I was close enough by to hear the conversation, but not in the same room. The friend asked Matthew if he had a particular movie and Matthew said, "No, and I can't watch it anyway, because it's PG-13." (Transformers . . . we've told him why he can't watch it . . . in more detail.)

The friend said, "I'm so lucky. I get to watch PG-13." (The kid is 7.) "Well, it's not good for you," said Matthew.

I talked to Matthew later and asked him if he thought his friend was "lucky" to be able to watch PG-13 movies? Matthew then explained back to me why PG-13 movies were not good for someone that young, etc. Basically, explaining the reasons we gave him.

I love it when it works!