Thursday, February 19, 2009

Slavery under a black president

21st century socialism. Enough said.

But I will add this--I haven't figured the guy out yet. Obama will not support the revival of the 'Fairness Doctrine.' I applaud him for that. And as a side note to my title, he's not really black...I can't believe I gave into the norm just for a good title on my blog. Yes, his dad was from Kenya...but his mom is Caucasian and he was raised by his white grandmother. He's not black--he's a mulatto. I'm sorry to all of you who thought his election was historical for the shear fact that he was "black."

And finally, to follow up to the post below, Chavez bought the votes to turn Venezuela into a national socialist state. He plans to run for office until he turns 95.

1 comment:

Elaine said...

Me thinks Obama knows if he supports that Fairness Doctrine there will be an uproar he won't be able to manage. He's not dumb. But he IS a socialist and he's taking us down a road that that has very few, if any, u-turns. It's very sad.