Sunday, August 16, 2009

A Prophetic Voice on the Family

Society, without basic family life is without foundation and will disintegrate into nothingness.

Therefore, whenever anything so basic as the eternal family is imperiled, we have a solemn obligation to speak out...

Furthermore, many of the social restraints which in the past have helped to reinforce and to shore up the family are dissolving and disappearing. The time will come when only those who believe deeply and actively in the family will be able to preserve their families in the midst of the gathering evil around us.

Whether from inadvertence, ignorance, or other causes, the efforts governments often make (ostensibly to help the family) sometimes only hurt the family more. There are those who would define the family in such a nontraditional way that they would define it out of existence. The more governments try in vain to take the place of the family, the less effective governments will be in performing the traditional and basic roles for which the governments are formed in the first place.

Delinquent adults still tend to produce delinquent children, and that awful reality will not change simply by our lowering standards as to what constitutes delinquency...

We are free to resist those moves which downplay the significance of the family and which play up the significance of selfish individualism. We know the family to be eternal. We know that when things go wrong in the family, things go wrong in every other institution in society.

Where there are challenges, you fail only if you fail to keep trying!

Families can be forever! Do not let the lures of the moment draw you away from them! Divinity, eternity, and family--they go together...

Spencer W. Kimball, October 1980


Elaine said...

Thirty years ago! Amazing! I can still hear his voice and he was a true prophet, as evidenced by these words. I'll bet when we heard them back then (you would have been only 2 yrs old:-) we only vaguely understood the significance. Thanks for the reminder.

Wendy said...

Families are THE most important thing in our society today. We need to be an example and try to teach others the same concept, it is quickly becoming lost....

tall dad said...

I'm impressed you recognized the greatness of this statement. When I was your age, I was just getting started in the church, family responsibilities and providing for my family and I can say, I was not aware of the things you are aware of at your age. Thanks for this.

Wood Gang said...

To Tall Dad: I think we owe you a Thank You for raising such a wise son. You're sweet wife and you have some amazing children who are making a difference in our lives.

To David: May we continue to stand strong in this gathering of evil around us. President Kimball will always be dear to my heart as he was the Prophet of my youth. Thank you for refreshing the Spirit within that he shared with us for so many years.